Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Annie Hall

Annie Hall starring Woody Allen is ranked 35 on AFI's movie list. The movie follows the life Alvie Singer and his relationship with Annie Hall. They meet at a tennis game, and she drives him home. They break up at one point, then after a few days get back together when she needs him to kill a spider in her bathroom. Finally near the end of the movie, after going to California, they decide their relationship isn't working. Annie moves out, and they both go about their separate lives. She moves to California and after a little while Alvie goes to try and bring her back. It doesn't work, and she doesn't go back with him. When he sees her finally back in New York, they chat but they never get back together. The movie ends similar to the way it began- with a quote from Woody: "Well, I guess that's pretty much now how I feel about relationships; y'know, they're totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd, and... but, uh, I guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us... need the eggs." 

The beauty of this movie is not just the plot. The way it is made and the characters in it are what makes this movie stand out. This is the first movie I have seen where he looks directly into the character and addresses the audience. It is like he's looking back at his life and making commentary on everything that is happening. There is a great scene in the beginning where they are in line for the movie. There is a man behind him talking about Marshall McLuhan, and as Alvie (Woody Allen) gets more and more frustrated, he finally addresses the issue... by bringing out McLuhan, who tells the man he doesn't get what his movies are about. Even though the movie is set in the real world, it is not a traditional movie at all, instead it directly talks to the audience, commentating on the lives of the characters involved. 

Annie Hall was a funny movie and if you have never seen a Woody Allen movie, this is for sure a good one. I can definitely see why this movie is considered one of the best, and I highly suggest watching it!

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